A Coward’s Guide to Evangelism
Evangelism is an easy activity to talk about, but a much harder activity to actually do! Well, that’s how it’s been in my life, and from the many conversations I’ve had with other Christians, it would seem I’m not alone.
If you’re wanting to grow in your confidence and ability to share the good news of Jesus with those who need to hear it most, let me recommend a short article by Mack Styles. I’ll summarise his main points here, but follow the link and read through his thoughts on how you—yes, you—can grow as an evangelist.
Sweep away misconceptions in your head about evangelism.
Prepare your heart.
Recognise this is not about your personality.
Recognize you can get better at it.
Rehearse the gospel. Use it or lose it.
Think of specific steps you can take.
Take the plunge.
Each of Mack’s points are fleshed out with every-day examples and helpful encouragements.