Foundations of CCCAust NSW
On here we stand…
Statement of Faith
01 — God
There is one true eternal creator God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
02 — Creation
God created all things, making man and woman in His own image and for relationship with Him.
03 — Sin
Sin entered into the world through human disobedience following the rebellion of Satan against God.
04 — Christ
The Son, Christ Jesus, was born of a virgin and lived as a sinless man. Out of the abundance of God’s love the Father gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die to save all people from sin. Christ rose from the grave defeating the power of sin.
05 — Salvation
The death and resurrection of Christ brings salvation by grace through faith to those who repent, seek forgiveness, and believe in Him.
06 — Spirit
The Holy Spirit, following Jesus’ return to His Father in heaven, lives within those who have salvation as a comforter and guide, guaranteeing their eternal hope.
07 — The Church
The true universal Church is a spiritual entity composed of all individuals who put their faith in Jesus Christ. God has called individual Christians to meet together as local churches.
08 — Life
Those who trust in Jesus as their Lord and Saviour are called to live a transformed life and as such we have the responsibility to:
Encourage other Christians through meeting together for worship and fellowship;
Uphold moral directives and ethical values contained in the Bible as expressed within the context of their personal life, their marriage life (the covenantal relationship of one man and one woman), and their relationships with others;
Share the good news to all the world;
Be active in expressing God’s love through social justice.
09 — Eternity
Jesus is the only way to a relationship with God. Those who have received salvation have eternal life as joint heirs with Christ. Those who do not believe in Christ are separated from God for eternity.
10 — Return & New Creation
Christ will return as Lord to the earth and everyone will see him. There will be a new heaven and a new earth.