Cultural Engagement

How would you rate your ability to engage with the culture around you? What about your church?

It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? One that many find difficult to answer well. Yet, as disciples of Jesus Christ, engaging with our culture is exactly what we’re called to do as we seek to fulfil the great commission given to us by Jesus himself.

Where do we start? How should we think about culture? What are the guiding principles and theological realities that should shape our approach?

I’m glad you asked. :)

We recently had the honour of hosting Darell Bock, a significant voice in this space of consideration, who shared with us over two sessions where you, and anyone in your church, could make a start on pursuing cultural engagement in a way that carries a purposeful approach to gospel opportunity.

Session One: A Theology of Cultural Engagement. Too often we haven’t built a solid framework from which to act; Darrell spends considerable time in giving us a secure biblical grounding in how we should think about engaging in the world around us.

Session Two: The Practice of Cultural Engagement. This is where the rubber hit the road, and Darrell acts as a trusted guide in applying his first session to various case studies and scenarios that set up great gospel opportunities.

This two sessions would make a great evening with your church leadership team, or ministry leaders, or even as a conversation prompt for a small group gathering.

Chris Thomas

Disciple. Father. Husband. Pastor. Writer. A beggar who received grace.

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